Objective, Unbiased Data

Expert Testimony

on what propels our modern society (and planet) now, and into the future

Electrical and motive energies are absolutely indispensable for human civilization, and their immediate and incidental impacts on our physical world is are topics of lively (and fierce!) debate. This is the big reason why I’ve been so drawn to, and enchanted by this sector. And the ultimate inspiration for my book, A Pragmatist’s Guide to Energizing the USA.

But I can’t stop there. This arena is just too dynamic and vibrant! The rate of innovation and progress is thrilling! And with (quite literally) 100s of TRILLIONS of $$$ on the line - and the fate of our (both manmade and physical) world - what could be more paramount?!

As with any prominent topic - there remains a preponderance of agendas and conjecture on energy systems and fuels. The fossil fuel-entrenched crowd maintains a hardline stance across multiple fronts. The clean energy/”green” advocates ardently assert their positions. There is definitely some cross-pollution with other, related strategies at these dipoles. And there is the crowd which aligns their philosophies somewhere in between…

This platform isn’t meant to support or debunk any particular side of the aisle here. We don’t want to convince, defame, or sale anybody on anything (except, perhaps, on my book; if you want to learn a little ‘sumpin).

As evinced by the over 400 individual citations in said book - what we’re interested in here is data - cold, hard facts - macroeconomic trends, and key, untainted insights from the leaders and authorities that are shaping this industry today. This is what you’ll find at A Pragmatist’s Energy Analytics: strict impartiality, and a continuation of my research and. discussion points in A Pragmatist’s Guide to Energizing the USA.

Any and all feedback is welcome, and eagerly anticipated!


Holistic, Objective, Unbiased, Metric-Based Synopsis of the U.S. Energy Matrix; both Today and Tomorrow.

Holistic, Objective, Unbiased, Metric-Based Synopsis of the U.S. Energy Matrix; both Today and Tomorrow.

For a data-driven and unprejudiced dissertation on the US electrical grid and power transport schemas…

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